“Self Love is the highest frequency that attracts everything you want.”

title 11/11/2021 09:42:20

These relationships are likely to be one-sided profiteering.

When we subconsciously think we are lacking, and seek, we will attract inadequacy. In that process, there may be misunderstandings, criticisms, when we are not satisfied with our needs, because one party is also feeling inadequate and wants to be satisfied but can't :)
Because both are lacking, and instead of giving, will want to receive more. The party who thinks they are giving more (if any) actually wants to receive something in return (conditionally), so if they don't receive it forever, they will be tired.

These two sides actually never met each other, because they were just projecting their lack on each other. The same dream. Lesson learned :)

In our youth we spend most of our time in these relationships.
As we become more mature, we find that we have to love ourselves, take responsibility for ourselves first, and we come from a more "complete" state in relationships, rather than expecting others to "satisfy" for us. myself anymore.

Thus, in relationships, disappointment occurs less often, because we have less expectations of others. We put ourselves at the center, we have to be complete first, and the other person is just an extension of that fullness. The relationship is therefore also healthier :)

And if we meet someone in need, have not really loved that person, we also easily recognize. Observing, it is easy to see that people are always lacking, have many harmful patterns for themselves, for example constantly comparing themselves to others, looking out too much, having problems without self-discipline , thoroughly solve but create more problems...
People who have not fully loved themselves will not be able to love us (whether it's love of sex, or family and friends...).

Even teachers (spiritual guidance, getting rich...), if we see them as needy, seek recognition, depend on a certain system, absoluteize everything... then we won't accept it. be my teacher :)
I am freer than those teachers. I don't have a teacher. I am my own teacher :)

We do not allow others to treat us badly, take away our peace. Because I love myself and my inner peace.

Does self-love give you everything you want? It is controversial, because need and want are two different concepts. There is the will of the soul, and the will of the ego.

In order for the above to be effectively practiced, you have to go through a state of lack of self-love and suffer a lot :)
Only when I find myself suffering less, can I realize this by nature, inwardly :)

And when I'm still dependent and suffering, it proves I haven't reached the level I need to reach :)

Everything requires practice, discipline, thoroughness. Don't just tell the truth, if you can't do it well, you'll be the truth :)

Self-Love without experience and enlightenment can be self-indulgent, lack discipline, and hinder growth.

But if you discipline too much, too thoroughly, you will become a "monk" in life. You will be called "eccentric", "obstinate"... and many more labels are waiting to be stuck on you :)

What matters is what you want.
And how to perceive yourself :)

The journey of awareness is indeed a very tricky one :)
Because reality is very subjective :)
But energy doesn't lie :)

“Self Love is the highest frequency that attracts everything you want.”

Thought it was loving someone, but sometimes that love is just searching for what we lack. :)
Imagine that someone is a friend, but sometimes that friendship is just projecting your lack on that person (and thinking that person will make up for you).

These relationships are likely to be one-sided profiteering.

When we subconsciously think we are lacking, and seek, we will attract inadequacy. In that process, there may be misunderstandings, criticisms, when we are not satisfied with our needs, because one party is also feeling inadequate and wants to be satisfied but can't :)
Because both are lacking, and instead of giving, will want to receive more. The party who thinks they are giving more (if any) actually wants to receive something in return (conditionally), so if they don't receive it forever, they will be tired.

These two sides actually never met each other, because they were just projecting their lack on each other. The same dream. Lesson learned :)

In our youth we spend most of our time in these relationships.
As we become more mature, we find that we have to love ourselves, take responsibility for ourselves first, and we come from a more "complete" state in relationships, rather than expecting others to "satisfy" for us. myself anymore.

Thus, in relationships, disappointment occurs less often, because we have less expectations of others.We put ourselves at the center, we have to be complete first, and the other person is just an extension of that fullness. The relationship is therefore also healthier :)

And if we meet someone in need, have not really loved that person, we also easily recognize. Observing, it is easy to see that people are always lacking, have many harmful patterns for themselves, for example constantly comparing themselves to others, looking out too much, having problems without self-discipline , thoroughly solve but create more problems...
People who have not fully loved themselves will not be able to love us (whether it's love of sex, or family and friends...).

Even teachers (spiritual guidance, getting rich...), if we see them as needy, seek recognition, depend on a certain system, absoluteize everything... then we won't accept it. be my teacher :)
I am freer than those teachers. I don't have a teacher. I am my own teacher :)

We do not allow others to treat us badly, take away our peace. Because I love myself and my inner peace.

Does self-love give you everything you want? It is controversial, because need and want are two different concepts. There is the will of the soul, and the will of the ego.

In order for the above to be effectively practiced, you have to go through a state of lack of self-love and suffer a lot :)
Only when I find myself suffering less, can I realize this by nature, inwardly :)

And when I'm still dependent and suffering, it proves I haven't reached the level I need to reach :)

Everything requires practice, discipline, thoroughness. Don't just tell the truth, if you can't do it well, you'll be the truth :)

Self-Love without experience and enlightenment can be self-indulgent, lack discipline, and hinder growth.

But if you discipline too much, too thoroughly, you will become a "monk" in life. You will be called "eccentric", "obstinate"... and many more labels are waiting to be stuck on you :)

What matters is what you want.
And how to perceive yourself :)

The journey of awareness is indeed a very tricky one :)
Because reality is very subjective :)

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